
Just another quick update: it’s still icy out there, but I’m keeping up the “doing some exercise” momentum. Just finished another 35 minutes on the exercise bike, this time distracted by The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which seems suitably entertaining. And remarkably close to the original.

Anyway. It was dull enough to do, let alone talk about, so that’s my update 🙂

2 thoughts on “Quickie”

  1. Hi there! Just catching up with all your entries since we were away for Xmas. So glad the combined forces of Xmas, New Year and flu weren’t enough to stop you! *cheers*

    I went out for a sedate walk today to get some of the pictures I was kicking myself for not having a camera to take on Saturday, along the towpath by the Sihl. Was passed by a number of runners, one of whom was wearing shorts. Short shorts. Madness. I’m reasonably sure of my footing with a flat surface, compacted snow and my hulking great waterproof hiking books, but you wouldn’t have caught me running on anything around here. And yes, I was totally bundled up with t‑shirt, jumper, jeans, scarf, hat, gloves and huge woolly coat. Shorts… *shudders*

    The photography is good, and David was snowboarding last weekend! (hint, hint)

    Hope you’re feeling better!

    1. Yes, I’ve seen some pretty crazy people jog past me as I was picking my way carefully across the ice. I think they must have shoes bred from gecko DNA. I am tempted to go, get some advice and maybe buy some shoes that’ll cope well with it, and give it a go, but (a) I’ll probably hurt myself, and (b) I’m sure all the snow will be gone in a week, _especially_ if I spend £80 on shoes good for snow…

      Hint noted, m’dear, but I’m crazy busy at the mo!

      And yes, feeling much better now. Bit tired, but that’s about it.



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